She is at peace...
She is present in her body...
She is more than just herself ...
What is more beautiful than a woman about to bring new life into the world? Doesn't matter what the time of the year or circumstances. Pregnancy feels like an eternity when you are in it and a blink of an eye when you look back on it, but it is the only time when you and your child are one, when you are at your most goddess like. It deserves to be captured as the magical beautiful time that it is, especially because it doesn’t always feel that way.
Maternity sessions require lots of planning. From finding the right theme (one that will suit my style and the client's personality), to putting together moodboards that can visually explain my clients my creative vision, to finding the perfect wardrobe, the right location (thx Lion + Ram again), getting the right light. I could go on and on. It's definitely lots of work, but the final photographs make it all worth it!